Monday, November 5, 2012

How You Relieve Digestive Distress Naturally?

In our November/December story “Gut Feeling” (Malady Makeover), we learned that disordered digestion can have consequences far beyond the intestinal tract, but that a holistic approach to digestive health can improve overall well-being.

Now it’s your turn. What digestive troubles have you dealt with, and what natural means did you use to overcome them? We want to know!

What Is Your Favorite Health-Related Charity?

In our November/December story “Charitable Gifts of Health” (Wellness Watch), we found charities dedicated to some aspect of well-being, such as proper nutrition for kids, which have been vetted for fiscal accountability by an independent monitoring organization.

Now it’s your turn. What health charities would you like to praise for their good work? We want to know!

Monday, October 1, 2012

What’s your favorite way to prepare greens?

In our October story “Great Greens,” we presented nutritional information and kitchen notes for such popular leafy greens as kale and cabbage.

Now it’s your turn. What are your favorite greens and how do you prepare them? We want to know!

How do you save energy at home?

In our October story “Lean and Trim” (Earth Matters), we offered a list of ways, such as scheduling an energy audit, to help you save money on home energy use while also helping to save the environment.

Now it’s your turn. How do you keep your home from turning into an energy hog? We want to know!

How do you ease muscle cramps?

In our October story “Kicking Cramps” (Malady Makeover), we looked at natural ways to relieve muscle cramps and prevent them from returning.

Now it’s your turn. What do you do when a cramp hits? We want to know!

Monday, August 27, 2012

What natural methods have you used to treat back pain?

In our September story “Back Pain Relief” (Malady Makeover), we learned that taking a conservative approach to back pain—including exercise, chiropractic, acupuncture and proper nutrition—may help back pain patients avoid the surgeon’s scalpel.

Now it’s your turn. Have you suffered from back pain? How did you treat it? We want to know!

What healthy lunches do you send kids to school with?

In our September story “The Natural Lunchbox,” we discovered ways to pack school lunches that are full of fun, flavor and nutrition.

Now it’s your turn. How do you ensure your children eat something nutritious while they’re at school? We want to know!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Have you breastfed a child?

In our July/August story “Pass It Along” (Malady Makeover), we learned how nursing mothers can best feed themselves to feed their babies and lose their pregnancy weight.

Now it’s your turn. Have you breastfed (or are you currently breastfeeding) your child and, if so, what was that experience like? We want to know!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Do you exercise at work?

In our June story “Work Your Body” (Holistic Healing), we learned that hours of sitting at work can be hazardous to your health—but that getting more exercise during the day can help offset the danger.

Now it’s your turn. Do you exercise on the job, anything from a lunchtime walk to a quick cubicle workout? We want to know!

Have you maintained weight loss and if so, how?

In our June story “Keep It Off,” we learned that losing weight is only half the battle; the other is keeping those pounds from coming back through a combination of healthy eating patterns and physical activity. (We met some successful “losers” in “Their Loss Is Their Gain.”)

Now it’s your turn. Have you lost weight and kept it off for any considerable length of time? How did you do it? We want to know!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Have you used integrative medicine to help fight cancer?

In our May story “Easing the Effects,” we learned that such integrative medicine therapies as acupuncture, mediation and supplements can be used with traditional cancer treatments to ease side effects and reduce the stress that comes with a cancer diagnosis. Now it’s your turn. Have you been treated for cancer and, if you have, did you use integrative medicine to help ease treatment side effects? We want to know!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Win Free Tickets for a Gala Healing Event!

Spiritual teacher Sai Maa will lead "Healing: Accelerated Teachings for Accelerated Times" in Denver April 27-29 (for more information, visit ). Prizes are as follows: first place, two free tickets; second place, $100 to spend in the Sai Maa bookstore; third place, a free online class with Life Divine, Sai Maa’s teaching group.

To enter the contest, simply leave a comment under this blog entry. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT—your blog screen name isn’t enough.

How Do You Handle Anxiety?

In our April story “Beyond Stress,” we learned that everybody feels stress at one time or another—but not everyone is affected by the constant nervousness and worry that mark anxiety.

Now it’s your turn. Are you subject to anxiety and, if so, what do you do to find relief? We want to know!

How Do You Care for Your Dog Naturally?

In our April story “Winner’s Circle,” we learned all the ways, including the use of alternative medicine, in which Westminster Dog Show canines are pampered into performing their best.

Now it’s your turn. What natural steps do you take to keep your faithful friend healthy and happy? We want to know!

Monday, February 27, 2012

How do you ensure food safety?

In our March story “Unwelcome Table Guests,” we learned that microbes such as E. coli sicken millions of Americans each year. Ironically, it is our desire for fresh meat and produce that lead to the long food supply chains and other conditions that foster microbial contamination.

Now it’s your turn. Have you ever suffered from a foodborne illness? What steps do you take to discourage dangerous germs? We want to know!

Do you use solar energy in your home?

In our March story “Solar Solutions” (Earth Matters), we learned that getting energy from the sun, long an expensive proposition, is now within the reach of the average homeowner thanks to improvements in solar technology.

Now it’s your turn. Is your life solar powered? Tell us about your experiences with solar energy. We want to know!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Do you suffer from wintertime depression?

In our February story “Seeing the Light” (Holistic Healing), we learned that winter’s short days and long nights can trigger a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in susceptible people, but that lightbox therapy and vitamin D can help reduce SADness.

Now it’s your turn. Do you suffer from the wintertime blues, and how do you cope? We want to know!

How are you maintaining your cardiovascular health?

In our February story “Assessing Your Risk,” we looked at the risk factors—many of which are controllable—that leave someone vulnerable to heart attack.

Now it’s your turn. Do you have cardiovascular risk factors and if so, what are you doing to control them? We want to know!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do you avoid gluten?

In our January story “Goodbye Gluten,” we learned how gluten and other grain components, especially those from wheat, can harm health and result in symptoms that include digestive troubles, fatigue and brain fog.

Now it’s your turn. Do you or a loved one suffer from wheat or gluten sensitivity, and how do you deal with it? We want to know!

Do you practice tai chi or qigong?

In our January story “Go with the Flow” (Holistic Healing), we learned about tai chi and qigong, two Chinese movement-based health practices that have been linked to such benefits as reduced stress and enhanced cognition.

Now it’s your turn. Do you practice either tai chi or qigong, and what benefits have you seen? We want to know!

We have a winner!

The winner of our December contest is Kenneth Hubbard of Shelby, North Carolina, who won a Showerwise filtration system from Waterwise. Congratulations Kenneth!