Friday, August 20, 2010

How Do You Get Your Children to Eat a Healthy Diet?

In our September story “Your Child’s Nutritional IQ,” we learned that proper diet in childhood can help prevent illness later on in life—and that parents can persuade children to develop healthy palates by getting them involved in food selection and preparation.

Now it’s your turn. Do you have any helpful tips for other moms and dads on how to get children to eat less junk and more of the good stuff? We want to know!


  1. My tip actually comes from my husband. In a moment of genius, he decided to "cheers" my 2 year old son to get him to eat some kale. It worked like a charm! Now we use it all the time to get him to take a bite. It makes it fun. He sees that we are eating the food and he wants some to!

  2. I have always been straight forward with my children when it comes to eating healthy foods. I have told them in terms they could understand depending on their age about disease and how the body works as a machine. Giving examples such as putting sugar in a gas tank of a car instead of gasoline, how would the car operate? I have worked in Health Food Stores for over 15 years, and both my children are well aware of peoples ailments. I remind them that they too can end up "sick" if they don't eat foods that help to keep their bodies healthy. Also explaining that healthy foods come from the earth, and "junk" food is made with "fake" stuff. My 7 year old is a great label reader!

  3. This is to Courtney, I have been trying to incorporate more greens into our diets. I have been successful with mustard greens in white been soup.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to cook Kale? I have blanched it and then just sauteed it in a little bit of garlic and olive oil. But it still seems really chewy to me. I get that same texture when I try to incorporate it into soups. I am de-steming the kale and cutting into smaller pieces. Any suggestions? I figure if you can get your son to eat it, you must be doing something right.


